Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well, it's bound to happen sometime I guess....I've decided to be MORE considerate of our planet. I mean, not that I haven't been, but I'm thinking there's tons more I can do to help with the "going green" time that we are currently I've researched a little and found the most adorable and stylish re-usable grocery bags. The link to the site is and look under accessories. They have individual bags, and a set of 5.....which I ordered. The bags are equivalent to two plastic grocery sacks, are waterproof, stylish......did I mention stylish? and they can roll up and fit in your purse! PERFECT!! So we'll see how this works...I've changed out most of my light bulbs to those energy saving bulbs....I can buy them at Sam's in a large pack and save a little bit of money.......they are expensive!! And I really didn't realize how MANY bulbs we actually have in our house! WOW! So anyway, it's a start....hopefully we'll keep doing the things we're already doing and making a difference little by little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea about the bags! I reuse my plastic bags for poopie diapers and trash bags, so at least they aren't going to waste! : ) Perhaps some reusable diapers are in order...